At the top of his game

Kearns & Murtagh’s Fintan McAteer joins our elite group of Certified Installers ensuring all FASSI cranes are set up & handed over correctly & consistently across the UK.

A Certified Installer has mastered the setup of the FASSI FSC-M, FSC-P & FSC-SII stability systems to ensure optimum lifting performance. They are experts in crane installation wiring, pre-delivery inspection & handover familiarisation.

Fintan adds Certified Installer to his previous GOLD engineer accreditation making him one of our most experienced & capable engineers. He was part of the Certified Installer group who visited the factory in April to get hands on with the F1750R & the new FX990 & FSC TECHNO systems.

Our academy is 10% training & 90% coaching to ensure the engineer can implement what they have been taught. To progress through the levels the engineer must demonstrate mastery of all the skills required to our coach Ken West. It takes a lot of time but creates real expertise.

Kearns and Murtagh are our main dealer for Northern Ireland in a partnership stretching back nearly 30 years.

Congratulations Fintan.